NEW! We offer professional services of restoration of historical monuments.
IBAWOOD is providing restoration services of wooden joinery part of the historical monuments.
We are making efforts to preserving the original state of the monument that need to be restored. We have ultra-qualificated personel in order to promptly respond to any new challenge!
We earn our reputation during time because of our high quality and custom made products.
We were able to accomplishe all this things because since from the wood logs and to the final product, everything is fully manufactured in our factory.
Alegem bustenii potriviti pentru proiectul ce urmeaza a fi realizat.
Debitam lemnul utilizand tehnologie moderna, obtinand astfel eficienta maxima.
Uscam lemnul in spatii special destinate acestei operatiuni.
Avand o experienta notabila in reconditionarea mobilierului vechi, prelucram lemnul cu meticulozitate si precizie.
Produsul final este evaluat din punct de vedere al calitatii si pregatit pentru livrare.
"Recomand produsele IBAWOOD atat pentru calitatea lor, cat si pentru faptul ca totul se realizeaza in fabrica lor. Am intalnit o echipa pasionata de ceea ce fac iar acest lucru se reflecta in calitatea produselor."
Andrei - Brasov
NEW! We offer professional historical monuments restoration services.
Even from the beginning, our company was a trailblazer, beeing one of the first companies producing furniture, and even more, providing restoration of old furniture services.
Considering all of this facts and beeing always concerned about protecting and preserving, we diversify our services to historical monuments restoration. We have the expertise that we need in order to embrace any new challege regarding historical monuments restoration.